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Hello everyone and welcome to a brief progress report!

My work demanded I stay late yesterday, so apologies for the delay on this report and the slightly less coherent ramblings to follow - I am still a bit lightheaded from having woken up recently.

There's little else to report this week other than the fact that "work continues". The Femshep Scenario is getting another push this weekend, where I hope that the spare time I'm afforded will allow me to push it out in a timely manner - though if I feel like I'm overshooting, I might just utilize the Monday as a render day in order to have it finished by Tuesday. It's all dependent on a multitude of factors, none of which are particularly interesting, most which are work-oriented, and all which can get in the way of what we want to do - which is make 3D smut, damn it :)

We've generally reached the stage of the year where my work schedule tends to calm down, but with the residual threat of the pandemic hanging over us, and with my colleagues still strictly under orders to stay home at the smallest inclination that they might be sick, I'm still hard-pressed to get the spare time I hoped to get after having moved onto contractual, hourly employment. Really played myself there - curse you, pandemic! Hope however springs eternal: perhaps we'll see a change for the summer, and I can more reliably push out more of the ambitious content I've got in the plans then. I'd also like to find the time to actually play the remastered Mass Effect, if anything for inspiration of what we're doing here, but we'll see when the planets align for that :)

The radio silence from my model commissioner was recently broken, if only to give me an updated version of a blood elf model. Still, it's good to see that he's alive, and still working on things. Makes the Warcraft Comic project seem like it might happen one of these days, after all.

I could swear I had more in my mind to report on when I went to bed after work yesterday, but as of writing this, I cannot think of anything. I believe I require myself some coffee, and to thank you, as always, for your continued support and for all of your kind words and patience. I hope you have a nice weekend, all things considered :)

Take care of yourselves, and each other!




With the amount of time rendering takes, as well as the tedious bit of actually posing and making a sequence for animating, I’m impressed with how consistent you’ve been all this time. Worry not, for we know you make quality content with the amount of time you put in. And yes, either get some good rest or coffee, or at least drink plenty of water to keep your blood flowing. Keep up the good work!


Maybe you require more coffee - or maybe you require to spend a bit more on sleep every night! Don't burn the candle in both ends now, take care!