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After all the setbacks she'd suffered, she didn't just want Avalanche to be soundly beaten - she wanted them humiliated.

Months of rigorous training served to bulk her up for the showdown in question, arranged through a private contact of hers down in the slums. As with all things, if you truly want something done, you have to do it yourself.

She only hoped the Don's conditions won't throw a wrench in her plans.


Wednesday Wallpaper! Today also hails the day I begin to return to work, though thankfully I have been graced with a shorter shift, which I hope will not exhaust me all too badly. Hope you enjoy the wallpaper in question, and consider what might follow for the two once the crowd gets involved :)

As always, thank you so much for your continued support, and for all of your kind words! The cold is finally starting to roll in proper into the country, meaning it's high time to bring out winter jackets for those days it simply becomes too much. Get something warm, or cool, depending on where you live on this earth, to drink and settle in - winter is, after all, coming :)

Take care of yourselves, and each other!






More tifa and scarlett please!!!