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Hello everyone and welcome to brief update on the state of things, as they are.

My fever's gone down enough today for me to sit by the computer and write this. As you might imagine, not much in the way of work has been done this week, and I'm a bit uncertain as to whether the next Monday loop will be finished in time as it depends heavily on how this cold/flu thing expresses itself over the coming days. Regardless, we've at least received Moonie's recording for the 3K/5K piece, though I am yet to listen to it properly to gauge whether any retakes are necessary etc. She tends to do good work though, so I am not particularly worried.

My corona test came back negative, at least, which is a relief. These are the times when multiple things begin to ravage my job at the same time, as they do every year, and since it's a very isolated place, whatever "gets in" tends to make the rounds among us all in there. So far, we've been lucky enough to have no corona issues, though it feels as though it's just a matter of time. Fingers crossed though, and all that :)

Reminder that the Male Voice Acting Poll is still underway. Results are starting to show, and not to toot my own horn too much here but, somewhat in the direction I had sort of anticipated. Here's the link: https://www.patreon.com/posts/male-voice-poll-43890386

I'll elaborate what he results of this poll will mean for the future of my work, once it's run its course.

As always, thank you so much for your continued support, for all of your kind words, and for understanding that us creators sometimes get zapped with this kind of crap as well, which results in content drought for a little while. I hope to be back in form by next week, though I'm not entirely sure when by next week. Regardless, thank you again, and hope you're faring better than I am at present :)

Take care of yourselves, and each other!


Jessie Rasbitch

I've literally never experienced a content drought with you. You are one of only 2 creators I support that have insanely regular content releases, to the point where I can barely even keep up sometimes. Compared to others who might only post once a month or such I feel like you can definitely have one week where you don't do much just to quell that fever and come back refreshed.


Hold on, you are the best, the main thing is health. We are all looking forward to your recovery :)


Dude, take care of yourself, don't ruin your recovery by forcing yourself to get too tired. Looking forward to when you're back and healthy! Until then, relax and do some self-care! ;)

Razlin 1981

Take care of yourself first.


Take care

boronium (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-19 15:59:43 Health>job Take care of yourself.
2020-11-21 11:02:28 Health>job Take care of yourself.

Health>job Take care of yourself.