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Whenever more than one lady went down there at a time, they always lined them up - like their rudimentary intelligence understood the efficiency in queue systems, the regenerators would have them shoulder to shoulder, ready to serve at least one in front, and one from behind, simultaneously. Latecomers were treated to a manner of introduction off to the side, and would promptly join the rest the moment their use was evident to the creatures. Most interestingly, they never fought, never squabbled among each other - not down here. Here, they seemed utterly unified in purpose, and like they were possessed by a clarity of mind that never truly expressed itself in other environments.

Here, they took their turns, with a loud, guttural enthusiasm, and an utter disregard for personal time. Above ground, they seemed more astute lovers, fully aware of their limited capacity to copulate as, when their had shot their load, their senses would become dull and the target of their affection would inevitably move on during rest. Down here, there were others, many others, to keep the women occupied during a singular regenerator's downtime.

So thorough was their instinctual trust in their comrades, of their pack, that some would not last more than a few seconds before emptying their swollen jewels inside - they did not care to last longer, indulging to such a degree in the immediate pleasure of the moment that there was no restraint, no halting in pace, when they got closer. Above ground, they would cease their efforts in a frustrated pause, with the clear concern that going over the edge would mean the whole ordeal would be over, with all the implications that would follow. Here, they simply rutted away, and when the stimuli of the whimpering woman became too much for their engorged nethers, they would deliver their payload, staying in place only so long as to make sure every last drop of seed had spilled from their swollen logs, before promptly letting the next of their kin take their spot.

None entered their lair without a firm goal in mind, and none left the lair without that goal implicitly fulfilled, a hundred times over.

Though if, against all odds, having a few dozen regenerators empty their loads inside you and using each other's seed as lubrication for hours on end didn't knock you up, there was always next time.

In fact, judging by the women's' regular visits - whatever the results, there was always a next time.


Halloween-esque spooky month wallpaper, which I think Resident Evil lends itself very well to, being horror and all! This one gave me more than just a little trouble, as the Blender load was so heavy that it would selectively shut off scene sections if I fiddled around too much, and thus inevitably required Cycles rendering over my preferred Eevee, meaning rather extensive render times. I also had to fiddle around a lot with various tools until I found a denoiser setting that worked to get rid of the worst offenders in terms of grain - still, this piece took about 7 hours to render, so I hope you're as happy with how it turned out as me :)

I have another Halloween piece in the works, but Mass Effect themed, which I hope to have done before the month's end as well, timing it to the actual holiday, so look forward to that one!

As always, thank you so much for your continued support, and for all of your kind words! This week's been more normal in terms of work load as we've had a few colleagues return from some corona scare, which I hope will free up more time on my end to work on this stuff. Hope, as always, springs eternal :)

Take care of yourselves, as well as each other!




7 hours? Holy hell! But it did come out beautifully, great job!


I love the stories you have with the pictures! Keep up the great work, they enhance the pictures so much!


Ada is so hot. Thank you.


Want fuck rebecca xD

Jessie Rasbitch

What good bitches, offering themselves up to be breeding material for a new race ❤️


great picture! this thematic group could be nice in animation! Keep up the great work!


nice work

Snake Plissken

Cant wait to see this as a video