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Sorting Bones

Fridays are for merciless double shifts and crawling into bed Saturday morning, before crawling out of it again in the afternoon to write about how you've been a doofus.

Hello everyone and welcome to a very brief progress report. My apologies for the delay - I was held up at work yesterday, owing to my district's boss deeming it necessary to maintain minimum manpower, and arrived home early this morning.

The 3K/5K project has seen some progress this week, though nothing that I can feasibly show here owing to it all being stiff core animation. I was a bit confused as to Moonie taking her time getting back to me regarding the VA cost, since she's usually super expedient, and going through my twitter messages I realized I had done everything in terms of delineating the stuff I needed and summed it up in a document - I had just never actually sent her the material.

So I'm doing so now. I blame the stress of life.

Don Corneo above is going to be the first XPS subject to receive a serious treatment in terms of Blender porting, where I'll do my outmost to create a model I can work with now and into the future. I am hoping it turns out well, as my previous ports have been extremely basic and unfit for anyone's eyes but me in terms of their function. It would be both fun and extremely useful to master rigging to such a degree that I can utilize virtually anything to good results.

Owing to this ambition of mine, I'm slowly creating a document of proposed ports, primarily male models, from SFM that I would like to port over and touch up. Early on the list is a certain Shinnok who is very much eager to get a special treatment. If you've got any favorites among my old male SFM performer gallery of the past, do speak up, and I'll see about including them :)

My hope is to have 3K/5K finished up this month, so we can dive properly into a Blender project before winter time rolls around. Gotta have something to keep us all warm, after all! Hopefully I'm graced with enough spare time from work to manage. Fingers crossed :)

1 single commission remains in the works, which I will finish before I attempt to re-contact those I have promised slots. Hopefully next week.

As always, thank you so much for your continued support, and for all of your kind words! While these are rough times, there are always brighter ones to look forward to. When the immediate is enjoyable and the goal is distant, focus on the immediate - and whenever the immediate is tough, focus on the distant goal.

Take care of yourselves, and each other!




I don't know why but that image freaks me out




Would like to see some more Corneo with Final Fantasy girls. He's perfect.


Once his role has Hellraiser here has been sorted out, expect to see him more :)


Second the Corneo suggestion. Only thing I'll add is maybe some voice over stuff for him. But otherwise, I think your work is genius.