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Hello everyone! Slight delay on the Monday Loop as Blender is struggling on the very edge of its capacity, and will simply not render thoroughly during attempts. I will thus have to resort to Cycles, and leave the whole thing to render overnight instead as the render engine in question is much slower, in the hopes that we'll have a good piece to work with tomorrow Tuesday!

Thank you for your patience - owing to being somewhat new to Blender still, I sometimes stumble in terms of my ability to gauge engine/rig limitations, and end up in snags like this. Had the Eevee render engine worked, I would have had this piece finished up about at this point - instead, I've been fighting the program to do what I want it to do for a few hours. So it is time to admit defeat, and let Cycles to its job!

Regardless, look forward to tomorrow, when this piece comes out! I'm pretty happy with how it's turned out so far :)





Finally! Thank you for that.


That ass looks tasty