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The manner in which Avalanche's organization was structured remained, to this day, a mystery to Scarlet. However, over the months that had passed by since her initial infiltration, she had at least become well accustomed to their way of celebration.

Another mission accomplished, another adults-only evening spent at the bar.

Working those late certainly had its benefits.


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Monday Loop! Finally finished up this piece. It's somewhat experimental, owing to the first time I got a little ballsy with a sculpting tool to try my hand at some breastfucking action, but I consider it good enough for the piece to be finished. I learned a lot working this, simultaneously, and I hope that each of the Blender puzzle that I find, I'll be able to put towards a final, large project when that times comes :)

No enhanced variant this week sadly, as the piece simply wasn't well suited for it. More in that vein coming down the line though, so don't worry!

As always, thank you so much for your continued support, and for all of your kind words! The past week suddenly turned hellish without warning, no ramping up or anything, just a sudden array of shifts bombarding my schedule until I felt like I was in a World War 1 ditch. Hopefully it calms down soon, as I am itching to get back to this stuff here :)

Hope you're faring well, and take care of yourselves, and as always, each other!



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