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Neither would let up, and as far as Nemesis was concerned, it suited him just fine.


Angle 1, Sound:

Angle 1 Enhanced, Sound:

HQ MP4 Download:


Monday Loop that didn't quite pan out the way I had hoped - owing to flickering scenery responding weirdly to lighting no matter how much I fiddled around with it,  and Excella for some reason lacking her proper face rig after appending her.  Regardless, I thought it was good enough to share here, and will keep it Patreon exclusive owing to its experimental status. Occasionally we'll run into hiccups when experimenting with Blender, and sadly, I poured all my time into this piece before realizing, after rendering the whole bit out (this error not showing up in Blender itself), that this was the case. As I have entirely ran out of time, there is no opportunity to pose and animate a new piece for the day. I hope to have something better to make up for it come next Monday, as well as some good news in the way of projects on Friday as well as a juicy wallpaper this Wednesday.

Our journey continues - my apologies, and thank you for sticking with me through these trying times!

Take care of yourselves, and each other!




The world need more Excella porn




I really hope that Nemesis will soon fuck them properly))


Indeed, I'd just wish there could have been several more view angles, as the models and the setting are really top-notch (maybe, hopefully, sometime again in the future, if the technical issues can be solved in the meantime ?). Anyway, thank you so much for releasing this (it would have been a crime to be deprived of that !) : it was well-worth the time you spent on creating it in my selfish opinion ^_^.