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What separated a hero from the regular chaff of crime fighting was their willingness to do the basic, most humble work, and without protest. Community outreach was one such program, often headed by vetted, charismatic agents of the state to ensure that steady recruitment opportunities were maintained - but most importantly, that people's trust in the agencies remained at acceptable levels.

Feedback lately had been rather overwhelming, on that front. Whoever were out there among the common folk were doing a marvelous job.


Wednesday wallpaper! A couple of tough days with a night shift thrown in for good measure, but I'll be damned if I pushed this one too! Trying out some models from a different model lineup, and while they seem to be rather RAM heavy, they are quite nice in their capabilities :)

Thank you, as always, for your continued support and for all of your kind words! The heat wave is finally hitting us proper up here, which means closed doors and windows as we pretend the sun doesn't exist for the coming week or two. Hope you're faring better than us ill-prepared northerners :)

Take care of yourselves, and as always, each other!




As much as I love seeing your ''classic' girls, it's always nice to welcome new ones to the scene, so to speak. Nicely done. Hope the heatwave isn't as bad as it is over here. I'm pondering moving to the Arctic as it is...


Wonder Woman! Finally! :D


Would love an animation