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Though the surveillance in every living space of the Normandy was extensive, Joker had promised himself, as the pilot and rightful captain of the whole ordeal, to never abuse the great power and responsibility that came with such a charge.

Of course, he regularly had to make sure everyone was okay on board. This necessitated the occasional look into every quarter, every nook and cranny of the place - including, but not limited to, the women's locker room, which he made sure were oh so brief. Just a moment, making sure to not let his eyes linger.

Just a peek.


Wallpaper, which took its sweet time setting up not to mention rendering. I'm happy enough with this one to consider a scaled down, lower quality public tease with it over on twitter. If anything, I'd like to praise the model creators responsible for giving us these to play around with :)

As always, thank you so much for your continued support, and for all of your kind words! The end of the month can be a stressful deal at my job, but I hope to be able to retain my update schedule as best as can be. If anything comes up, I'll keep you posted, as always :)

Take care of yourselves, and each other!




This is fucking amazing


Stop teasing with Miranda dangit! (Fantastic work, they all look better than ever.)


fucking great

Jessie Rasbitch

Look at these bitches, probably discussing the biggest alien cock they fucked and one upping each other 😏


Holy moley this is amazing.


Amazing. Always a treat to see Jack. Probably the most underrated ME girl.

Tarean Smiley

I love your animations but I wouldn't mind seeing pinup sets of these ladies, I love the changes!


God yes! Please do a follow up with tali and edi in there too!