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Hello everyone and welcome to a bit of a delayed but still Good and True progress report.

Yesterday after work I found myself dragged out by a bunch of colleagues, seeing as a new round of treatment is coming up for me and I won't be able to imbibe alcohol for some time, they wanted me to have "one last good time", which sounds about as ominous as it was alcoholic. As such, I'm sitting here nursing a terrible hangover while trying to write the report I wasn't allowed to write yesterday.

Alexstrasza project is seeing more headway, with even more scenes added. The array of pose suggestions I've received for it is rather overwhelming, but I'm trying to incorporate as many as can be into what will be a long, brainless creampie gangbang with the Dragon Queen. At this point, trying to get any cohesion in terms of story in an ordered script is futile, so it'll just have its overarching lore setting, and then I'll try to find suitable music to have her pounded to. On that note - music suggestions are very welcome for the Alexstrasza project!

On another note, our most recent Poll has ended, as one of the images above should show, in a strong majority favor of a webcomic-like structure for the Unsullied project. I'm both glad and nervous about this result as, while I was deeply considering it, I was very tempted to take the easier way out and simply go with the text-based approach. However, I realize the poll results do somewhat reflect the overall appeal of my community, even though the voter turnout isn't particularly impressive (I should probably advertise polls more aggressively or have them run for longer) and perhaps knew, deep down, that this was the right path to take all along.

In Lulu related news, I've been in talks with Midnight Datura, whose deep, sultry tones I imagine will be able to pull off the voice of everyone's favorite gothy final fantasy queen, and who has agreed pre-emptively to voice the project(s) in question. I'm still working on the script for it (them), having hoped to be able to salvage some of the work I'd already done, but with the old penis models and the setups in question it might be worthwhile to simply start with a clean slate and write like I did with the N7 project - giving me the opportunity to update the dicks in question while keeping the monster setup in LotW2 as dictated by the old monster poll. Blitzballs still function from that perspective, as it was written with the idea of text-based starting narration, so it should be more salvageable in that sense.

In other news, I am in the process of, once again, opening commission slots. I've confided in a few industry veterans, particularly a mixture of 2D and 3D artists, about my past issues doing them and let a bunch of them write together a Terms of Service document for me, as well as do a radical update to my rates. The upcoming round of commission slots will thus have a very different approach to how I do my work, where all my "naivete" has supposedly been cast to the side, and which supposedly will make for a much more sustainable way of doing commissions. Though the rates are set rather high in my mind, it's no secret that artists tend to undervalue their own work, so I've opted to, after some convincing, keep both them and the new methodology in place. I'll be sharing this ToS document, which includes the rates, in the commission post which I imagine will land in the very near future.

Also, happy, belated spooky Friday the 13:th or something :)

As always, thank you so much for your continued support, and for all of your kind words! I'm hoping that with the upcoming treatment round that it won't hit me too harshly and that I'll be able to enjoy some of the spare time that comes with it, which means commissioners won't have to wait literal months for the delivery of their product. Slow and steady, as life goes, and we'll get through this yet :)

Take care of yourselves, and each other!




yay! commissions again!! Will watch for slots to open!!!


Sorry about your hangover 🍺 but I'm glad to hear commissions will be open again. Save me one or two slots 🙌