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Hello everyone and welcome to another in the long line of progress reports!

Alexstrasza is still having her brains absolutely banged the hell out of. I'm closing in on 4 minutes on this project in terms of just sheer sex length, and that's without me having all the creampie scenes done for all the poses in question. I hope to have this be the final project where I use this older, outdated penis model, fully transitioning for the upcoming Lulu project(s) and onward to more high quality dongs. I'm already so deep into this that it would be a massive undertaking to switch them all out, which is why I'm refraining from doing so - you never know though, it might just irk me enough to the point where I go for it anyway, but no promises :)

Relative radio silence from Bangfri lately - I'd hoped to have some concepts at least to show regarding my orc female model over the months, but chances are the poor sod is busy as all hell. At any rate, I hope that this investment is something I'll have something to show for soon - his estimate for the model(s) does after all end in about a month's time. I've gotten a set of clothes, or sorry excuse for clothes, commissioned from him as well to make my OC stand out a bit, which he's agreed to keep for my use only.

"Funny" story: Gave myself a massive scare recently with the Alexstrasza project as I overwrote it with a new model fix for it, figuring it was a hotfix, but upon launching SFM realized it had turned her into a warp entity straight out of Warhammer 40k due to the new pathing and structure. Needless to say, I scrambled for the zip of her older version, and managed to find it - saving the project above in question. I've decided to not touch anything related to models, as one should, until I'm actually done with the project in question. From the looks of it, the webcomic idea is winning pretty soundly over at the poll for Unsullied's direction as well, but rest assured those who prefer the written form - I won't stop writing on it if the webcomic becomes a thing, and I already have plans for a sequel in the back of me head.

You might've also noticed the new, shiny banner. It's courtesy of an artist known as Mal, and I figured I'd give credit where credit's due. Here's their twitter:

On the subject of more worldly matters: I'm now officially considered as being in queue for company startup help consideration down at the municipality, with tons of information about to be levied my way in the near future. It's going to be a small bureaucratic nightmare, but with this, I might actually get some monetary help to fund stuff like voice acting or perhaps even a new rig to do renders on in the near future - should I get accepted, of course. I'm preparing for the paperwork, which will include growth reports and a ton of other matters that I won't bore you with here, but which will take some some of my precious spare time to deal with which is why I'm bringing it up here. If any of my stuff is delayed in the near future, assume it's because I'm sitting hunched over a desk, crying while filling out forms.

In the meantime, let's see what the future have in store. Thank you, as always, for your continued support and for all of your kind words! I hope you're doing well - another round of treatment is upcoming in just a week's time for me, so cross your fingers, hold your thumbs, or your cultural equivalent, that things go smoothly :)

Take care of yourselves, as well as each other!





Tinh Pham



My body is ready for that female orc model


i love how much effort u put into ur updates! this is gonna be great i kno it