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Ashley had initially not been selected for Udina's personal guard, having instead, on account of her combat abilities, been deemed more important to be present at the frontline of the Reaper conflict. Rumors had it however that she personally confronted the diplomat one evening, violating protocol and the statement of "no more interviews" by cornering him where he'd least expect it - a veritable ambush. Following the encounter, Udina had personally filed the request for her transfer, zealously arguing for her "indispensable" abilities for his line of work.

How many wrong bathrooms she ended up in before finally finding the right one, the public would never know. It was a nice surprise for more than a handful of Citadel citizens however, who, naturally, made sure to get their just due before letting her move on.


Wednesday Wallpaper. Overtime work today, but I managed to finish this one anyway. Been a while since we saw Ashley, so I figured it was about time :)

"Naked" version available in attachments!

As always, thank you so much for your continued support, and for all of your kind words! Hope life is treating you well even if the weather is not, and vise versa!

Take care of yourselves, and each other!




Damn...thats a gorgeous photo. Would like to see more of her in the future too


Very nice ^^


Ashley in big ass thot boots with long hair is fuckin top tier stuff - great job!


Man I realized just how few Ashley movies there are out there


i hope this is a preview of an awesome zeno ash fest!