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(well duh, DH) Hello everyone and sorry for not writing this sooner!

I just woke up from ~14 hours of much needed, fever-induced sleep. I passed out on the couch during the early evening hours yesterday, Monday, and haven't opened my eyes since like 10 minutes ago. I tend to have a rather strong immune system, courtesy of working 2 different jobs, each being extremely prone on fostering bacterial cultures, but when something breaks through it really tends to be killer.

I'm hoping to find enough of a chance spent sitting today to finish things and have it posted, but it's very dependent on whether ze body feels like responding properly to painkillers and antipyretics. At any rate, I never want to just leave you hanging or let a fuckup of mine slide like this, so please accept my apologies and know that I'm doing what I can to set things right!

Again, apologies!




Take your time man.. :)


The most important thing here is the health I think when it is important for people to stay healthy for a long time wish you a better recovery do not let it get you down ;)