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Another progress report! I'll try to keep this brief, as suggested by feedback, instead of going on long-ass rants as per usual :)

Lady of the Woods 2 has an on-going poll to determine the enemies that will have their lovely way with Lulu in the whole deal. The introductory scene is otherwise largely animated in the piece, with Tidus spying at Lulu and Kimahri from behind a rock, and the fiends around them going for their turn. This is where I hit the last roadblock and, after trying to animate 2 very broken models over and over, I decided to run this poll instead. Maybe Tidus will have his turn later, who knows? :)

Project Synthesis, former Alien DNA 3 has seen some animation done to it. Scene 2, as pictured above, can be strangely finicky in its performance with SFM rearing up into thousands of RAM, only to suddenly be at a very low, stable 500 when I'm animating. As such, it's been subject to crashing, which is frustrating. Scene 1 animation is still underway, scene 4 is seeing posing done for the coming creampie scene, and scene 3 has been prodded at but is largely the least worked on scene so far. It remains to be seen if I have to cut this project up into smaller pieces just to keep it manageable.

Smaller projects that aren't quite on this scope are also in the works, such as the Parnack piece I show a concept of earlier perhaps going somewhere. Most assuredly though, I want to make a Halloween special for this year, and have been toying around with bodyhacking and trying to figure out how to squeeze in a lot of Resident Evil ladies with regenerators, lickers etc :)

I may also, depending on time, enter Vaako's "Summer of Boobs" competition, and have a few ideas playing in my head. Seeing as I was recently contacted by a few professional voice actors over on my tumblr, the prize money (should I actually get a high ranking) might make me able to hire a few for some of the upcoming projects. Again, nothing set in stone, but a nice idea. Besides, I reckon you wouldn't mind some huge boobed elf titty action.

With that, I'd like to thank you, as always, for your continued support and for all of your kind words! The heat is utterly unbearable here, so I'm lucky in that sense to have a job that has me stuck indoors for the vast majority of the time. Hope you're faring better than us poor northerners - it'll take us a few generations to get used to this :)

All the best,




Nah fuck Tidus. He will always be Final Fantasy bitch #1


Hahah, I'd like to imagine he'd take his chance once Lulu's passed out or the likes. At any rate, we'll see how the poll turns out and what I can squeeze into the work itself :)


wish sfm would expand the memory so we can put more into a scene..keep hoping..