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Progress report incoming!

Scene 2 posing of Project Synthesis, aside from some minor fingerposing, lighting etc, is pretty much done. I resolved the issue of memory overload in Scene 1 moving over to Scene 2 by creating a separate session, with the idea that this scene will take place in something of a more private side-room, away from the main bang, with music coming in muffled through the walls while the aliens and Cerberus folks are having their way with these lovely ladies :)

Also, yes that is Aria! Turns out that headhacking her onto a more conservative version of Liara's body and blaring it with purple light makes it both look unique as well as blend pretty damn well, so she's about to get herself a creampie from Petrovsky there. I'm sure they'll settle their differences about Omega just fine :)

This session is, as well, tethering precariously on the limit of memory usage, so while I hope it won't turn result in issues down the line once animation begins, I may have to find workarounds on the fly. At any rate, I'm happy with how it's turning out, and I'm really looking forward to animating it. I also hope the attention Miranda and Ashley will get from Cerberus and Alien alike in particularly this scene will satisfy those who miss ADNA3 :)

The idea is that scene 3 will take place in the more reaper-centric pit in the middle of the club, and will feature femshep as well as, probably, Samara. I have also, for this purpose, acquired an old Saren model that I hope will come in handy, provided it doesn't look too dated when side by side with these current models. Scene 4 is still in the planning stages but, should I be able to pull it off, it might just feature a certain matriarch helping the old Shadow Broker out in order to give her daughter a good creaming!

Following on this, unless I come up with a real good idea for a Scene 5, chances are there will be a super-cut of different creampies and the likes, featuring various ladies, much akin to the way I cut things in More Husks. As with all my projects, my initial ideas in writing seldom makes it to the end, and faces endless revision until I have a finished product I'm happy with.

At any rate, I believe that's that for this week. The hopes is to have Scene 3 posed by next week, and to begin animation on Scene 1. A man can dream, can't he? :)

As always, thank you so much for your continued support, and for all of your kind words! The response to Project Synthesis has been mainly positive, and while I understand those disappointed over ADNA3's demise, rest assured that I'll be doing my outmost with this project to deliver something worthy as a replacement!

Take care out there, and, please, take care of each other!




"for those who miss ADNA3" so we not getting it then?


Not as things turned out, sadly! I had a poll some while back, running for a week, about the fate of ADNA3. The vote that won was turning it into Project Synthesis :)