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Aboard her ship, she could go anywhere, visit any place, and most importantly; do anyone she wanted to. With her newfound powers, she could do so at any time, as well.

... What an opportunity for business.


The community decided, and as such, Elizabeth's adventure is beginning to take form. The plan is a massive gangbang of splicers and all kinds of undesirables, all getting to have their way with a most willing, time-and-universe-hopping wench.

Hope you like the wallpaper-esque announcement picture I fixed up! I'm quite happy with it myself :)

As always, thank you for your continued support, and all your kind words! Take it easy out there, and stay nice and warm in the encroaching cold!





Then this explains how elizabeth manages to cross places like the normandy, the alley and other dirty places with dirty clients. She is a whore with a lot of desire to work, I like her so much!

Sam W2

Hell Yeah