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Fiddling around with the new Liara model recently released by our lord Ardvaark, this idea just popped into my head.

... It's getting late over here, alright?

Either way, as you can see, in spite of it being of a higher quality overall, it's difficult to beat the pure thiccness that is our classic Liara on the left. Not to mention that it also misses the lovely armgloves and choker. Classic Liara's face is for some reason much better too, in my eyes.

What do you people think? Should I give it a shot for animation and see if we can make comparative jiggle-physics for the hell of it, or should I just stick to the classic Liara?

All the best, and thank you, as always, for your continued support, and all your kind words! Made some progress on the larger projects in the last few days, so look forward to more sneak-peeks in the future! More commission slots opening next month as well, so look forward to that too!





I stay with the classic liara, it is much better in terms of quality of skin, besides I love their curves and their tits


I say go for the classic, but a clone-based animation wouldn't be bad for the heck of it.


I'm not going to say no to a Liara vs Liara slut off, but the classic is classic for a reason


i would like something diff (no pun) classic liara cliche go for the new model!


a small clip of some bounce physics between the two would help me decide =D


Keep classic...it’s the reason I joined lol

Justin Miller

Id have to actualy see a animation with the new one. From the concept it does look a bit better.

J. Robin

I do like the choker on the older model. I also find the older model's face to be a touch more sultry/sluttier. Maybe it's the curl of the lip, or the makeup.


sometimes you just can't beat the classic. Maybe go nuts and take rework the new textures onto the old model?


Could we get an ass shot possibly? get a comparison of that side as well?


The older model has bigger and fuller boobs. Keep the old one!


Ditch the classic, the classic looks like she waxed herself with car wax, and those tits look like they're growing from the shoulder

no one

New looks much better


I like both!


i like yours much better especially her tits


I prefer the older one