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Hello everyone and welcome to another in the line of progress reports!

Keeping it as brief as time permits, as always. Freyna from the First Descendant has joined the gallery proper, and Keyd10iori ostensibly has more in the works, meaning we might be seeing more in the near future. Cassie from MKX also got a recent update by Plague that I've put a lot of work into, highlighted somewhat in this week's wallpaper.

The Alley Crew poll came out in a 3-way tie this time around, which is pretty remarkable. Suffice to say, I checked so the statistics to make sure they were legit, then threw a dice to break it, and it looks like we're going to be treated to some Freya from God of War for this Monday's loop.

I believe I've come down with something of a cold, feeling quite a bit under particularly after returning from the gym today. Reckon it's something I can shake with some rest and tea, so I'll be taking it easy this evening to prepare myself for this weekend's work. Thank you, as always, for your continued support and for all of your kind words. Get yourself a cup and join me in my recovery efforts - we can all do with some downtime, occasionally.

Take care of yourselves out there, as well as each other!



Jigoku Lamb

*Profusely Sweating* I see a storm coming... Motivated!


I haven't seen her before, she looks great!