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"My delivery!"

The coachman was, to put it mildly, less than thrilled about the scene before him. The precious cargo, as the Don called it, wasn't so much pristine and untouched as she was spurting ropes of white out of her nethers with no small amount of her skin covered in thick orc seed. The member over her shoulder twitched once, weakly, and pushed out what he presumed to be the final delivery from its swollen length, adding a few more droplets onto the woman's arm and, eventually, the varnished wood of his carriage.

"My seats!"

Worse was the mess below, he realized - located on the very same spot he usually occupied while driving the damn thing no less - the stains would be incomprehensibly annoying to remove by hand, or incomprehensibly expensive to get removed. Numbers and untold man hours to rectify the ordeal spun in his head and he felt himself grow faint when, somehow, the woman in question caught his gaze with her own.

"I'll deal with him when we get there, don't worry."

She leaned her head to the side, slender fingers absentmindedly running up and down the orc's member, before her lips curved into a smile. Back arching, her massive bosom parted over her chest, legs widening as she tantalizingly allowed her heeled feet to slide wide apart, revealing her toned stomach and, very much, still wet nethers to him.

"... but maybe I can make it up to you, first?"

As it turned out, she most definitely could.


Aftermath for the most recent Scenario piece. I was in the mood of a wide spread, and bottom-up view, but with Tifa's massive breasts it's difficult to not have them blot out her very much pretty face, so I settled on a side-view that worked about as well.

Hope you enjoy it folks, and thank you, and particularly you all here in this tier, for your continued support and for all of your kind words. Without you this entire venture would simply be impossible, and I strive to measure up to the kindness you show me in this regard, every day, hoping to at least get close.

On that note, we've of course got another Scenario coming up this month, slated for a release on the 29:th, featuring the winner of this month's Scenario poll in Lara Croft with Small Monsters in rotation. I'll be getting to posing the first scene this coming weekend, and the next poll - to determine the first loop of August - will land on Thursday (25:th) next week, so if you have character nominations for the poll do feel free to poke me in direct messages about it, or simply write them in the comments down below!

In the meantime, take care of yourselves, and each other!



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