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Hello everyone and welcome to another in the line or progress reports!

First off, happy midsummer! I've rushed to get some stuff sorted this morning before heading off to social commitments, if anything so I can get the rest of the weekend off to dedicate towards the Samara Scenario, so my apologies if this report feels a bit rushed - it's because it is.

Samara's Scenario has come along nicely, where I managed to pour the appropriate time into it last weekend, with this upcoming weekend serving as a means of finalizing it, with the release slated for Monday if all things go well. Tifa's Scenario is conversely in a decent state, so I might be able to grace you all with two Scenarios in the coming week, but it remains be be seen how I'm doing for time (not to mention some possibly much-needed rest). All I can say is that the Tifa Scenario will be delivered as soon as there's a gap in the schedule for it, you have my word on that.

Speaking of, I sat down this week to resolve a whole bunch of models that have been neglected owing to me playing catch-up with the schedule, so we have a whole bunch of new additions to the gallery. Recent additions are:

Starfire (DC)
10H (NieR: Automata)
Leliana (Dragon Age)
Queen Marika (Elden Ring), - Ryan Reos model variant
Sindel (Mortal Kombat) - Plague model variant
Emerald Herald (Dark Souls 2)
Loba (Apex Legends)
Eliza (Tekken)

Those curious can check out the full gallery of ladies using the link here:

Off I go! Thank you, as always, for your continued support and for all of your kind words! If you've ever had your mother freak out about there not being enough boiled potatoes for a family get-together even after you already peeled a veritable mountain of them, you know my present pain. Hope you're doing alright out there, wherever you might be!

Take care of yourselves, don't let your inebriated uncle open any cans of Surströmming, and take care of each other as well!




Samara is looking exotic! I can’y wait to see her Scenario now!


Samara is love! DO more!