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Hello everyone and welcome to another in the line of progress reports!

First off, we've got the poll results for the next comic! Coming out pretty decisively into a victory spot, we've got EDI prowling the corridors of the Normandy to check in on the crew, attempting to maintain squad cohesion, so to speak. I've got more than a few ideas for how to structure the comic, but we'll see which make the cut. Regardless, thank you for voting, and know that I've looked carefully at the other options and how they fared, so as to gauge general interest for the next comic.

I endeavor to keep this one shorter in length compared to the Wonder Woman comic, though knowing myself I'll no doubt bloat it beyond its initial framework, but it's still always good to set out with some ambitions to limit yourself when it comes to these things. It's easy for the amount of comic panels to increase exponentially because some idea pops into your head, and the amount of work required will also follow.

More on the comic in the very near future.

Ivy also has gotten a good deal of work this week, where I managed to do another animation pass over it, sorting a lot of the animation bits pertaining to basic expressions etc. I'll be finalizing it in terms of the creampie and post-talking next time I sit down, and will probably have the time to sort some lip sync as well during that session. Barring any catastrophes or sudden, uninvited interruptions (like today when I had to go to the dentist), I'll have this scene wrapped in a few more sittings, and then it'll be on to Scene 2.

Model work also continues, the Less Popular Ladies will wrap up tomorrow on the Discord to determine Monday's animation loop, and the Alley Crew Scenario vote is underway. Lots of things in the pipeline, so just hang in there and I'll get it into your hands soon enough :)

On that note, thank you, as always, for your continued support and for all of your kind words. I'm looking forward to diving back into comic work again as it's been a while since I got to tell some longer story bits, so hope you're stoked for it as well. Weather here can only be described as bipolar with a sun that is strangely scorching already, so summer is no doubt going to require a hell of a water intake, that's for sure. Going to have to get watermelons on the regular, if anything.
Hope you're doing well out there folks, all things considered.

Take care of yourselves, and each other!



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