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There, in the distance, lie the throne, with all its promises and vices. A rough slab of stone, cold to the touch, hewn from the rock of the nearby mountain. Rumors have it that it was made uncomfortable on purpose, this owing to an ancient ruler's propensity for falling asleep during hearings, something that had, over time, instead come to symbolize the sober vigil of its occupant over their kingdom, kings and queens alike never able to rest fully against its biting surface.

And there, on the floor in the middle of the chamber, wallowed the current queen, complaining about the throne in question.

"Fetch me a pillow, at the very least."

"Against the laws, I am afraid, and also terrible for your posture, my queen."

"Are you maggots enjoying seeing me squirm? I am queen, and you will do as ordered."

Perhaps there was some truth to that, though probably not for the reasons the queen envisioned.


Been a while since we saw some Mileena, so thought it was high time for some. This has been one heck of a long month so far, so I took this opportunity to work on a bunch of models this weekend and figured I'd at least have a wallpaper fixed up for today, since there's a gap where no loop occurs. Honoka Scenario is coming up with a release on the 29th if all goes to plan, so look forward to that :)

Thank you, as always, for your continued support and for all of your kind words. April comes with its own weather challenges and likes to oscillate between uncomfortably warm all the way back down to the minuses, so dressing for the weather is pretty much impossible unless you are willing to simply sweat at every turn when outside - this usually becomes the MO, in that sense. Hope you're holding up well out there folks, all things considered.

Take care of yourselves, and each other!




My prayers have been answered. I just love Mileena, she's so hot and dangerous.


Awesome, I really prefer when she has the mask on.