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Three of them, so far.

It wasn't days, or even weeks, and most certainly not how many men had been inside of her, nor was it the amount of phone calls of her so-called boyfriend she had ignored.

It was the amount of tournaments she had missed - which were, ostensibly, the reason she was even here in the first place.

Still, as the next monstrous creature stepped around the corner, his thick, veiny log held by his clawed hand in a vise-like grip, she felt her legs quiver from anticipation. A small jolt, a thrill, shot through her stomach from the sound of a nearby car passing on the road, just beyond, and she motioned for him to join her around the corner. Crouching, her lips were upon his swollen glans in a heartbeat, and she whimpered as her slender fingers grasped feebly around the base of his girth, the creature's approval voiced in a guttural, low rumble that would have made Mai's underwear a mess - had she been wearing any.

She needed just a little more time. Just a little, and she'd be at the next tournament.

The next one, for sure.






Mai won the last Scenario in a surprise upset, meaning I finally got the chance of animating her in something lengthier. I've taken some feedback on board again and tried something a little different, mixing up the pacing once more, with more custom bits to the animation. Quite a lot squeezed into a 1 minute clip, but hopefully it doesn't feel too rushed. Hope you enjoy it folks :)

Thank you, as always, for your continued support and for all of your kind words! It's good to be back at the gym proper again, even if my body will initially disagree, so I hope you've had as good a Monday as can be :)

Take care of yourselves, and each other!



Anthony S.

Mai is just the best! Thank you! 🥲

The Ageless Ascetic

Thanks for giving us old school fight fans some love...i'm sure Ms.Shiranui doesn't mind as well. Great work as usual!