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The next few updates will likely have less content than you are use to. This is due to the renders for hair customization taking up a lot of time. I don't plan on actually adding the customization options until everything is ready. Some current images that need updating, such as the mirror ones, will be updated as they are rendered. All of the other renders will be kept out of the game until they are all done.

Ending 1, which is basically a bad end / game over, is complete. It's a rather short ending that triggers upon losing a battle to specific enemies after a certain point in the game. There may be another way to trigger this ending in a later update.

Ending 2 is probably the largest ending in terms of images. Although there will be some scenes, I don't plan on animating them, similar to Nexus' ending. This is the no romance ending. You will be able to choose from a variety of choices to make the ending more appealing to you. If you want to see absolutely everything, you will need to play through ending 2 a few times.

That's likely to be just about everything added in v0.20. There's a few other things on the to-do list, but with ending 2 taking so long, they'll probably get pushed back. As far as total completion goes, we're getting very close. The hair customization will take several months. The remaining content will also likely take a few months. It should line up pretty nicely for v1.0 to have the entirety of hair customization plus the final bit of content.

At least, that's the goal. We'll see, I suppose. The above image is from the start of ending 2. Not really much of a spoiler as nothing is really shown. There's an odd pink lighting on the MC's hair that isn't noticeable with the red hair. Not sure how that happened. The scene is all green lighting. Looks interesting with the other hairs. Will probably keep it. Happy little accident? Anyways..

The next bonus image will be autumn themed. If a fem character wins, you can expect to see the winner's dress compete with autumn winds, with a camera angle that makes you the only real winner. ;) Probably won't be putting any of the males in dresses. If they win, I'll have to come up with something else. Be sure to vote: https://www.patreon.com/posts/poll-septembers-87006986 

Thank you as always!



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