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TLDR: Nexus Main Quest! New Outfits! New Scenes! Fixes! QoL Changes!

- Nexus' main quest was updated with 3 more steps.

- Added the option to change Nexus' outfit once progressing his quest far enough.

- Added 1 new outfit for the MC.

- Added 1 new outfit for Nexus.

- Added 2 new scenes for Helga. Fully animated as per usual. Both are accessible via inviting her to the Apartment.

- Added 1 new scene for Nexus. Also fully animated. Accessible via his Photo Studio.

- Fixed a few images during Helga's ending that had clipping and missing smoke effect.

- Love interests will now swap to the correct outfit before starting any "Aftermath" quest. This should prevent them from possibly having the incorrect outfit during those quests.

- Similarly, the code that swapped love interests outfits for dates was updated. It was probably fine before, but I changed it for the sake of consistency and preventing future issues.

- The MC can now swap to the Bikini and Date Night Dress when relevant instead of having to go put it on manually, which can still be done if you prefer.

- How music plays has been completely overhauled. Music is no longer bound to specific locations. Now music tracks play randomly from a playlist containing most songs. Combat music will still replace the current track for the duration of combat, after which a new randomly picked track from the playlist will begin. No longer will the music be constantly swapping tracks as you navigate through different locations. You can now actually enjoy the music! Yay! (Note: Rolling back old saves to a point before where you loaded actually returns you to the old system until you save/load again or enter/exit combat. Weird that it happens, but not really an issue.)

- Some old images that had "fireflies" and clipping panties were rerendered.

- Stat screens, Inventory, Shops, and similar now all have a new look. The new color scheme doesn't quite fit the current map screen. Worry not! I'm working on that. ;)

- Added something secret (Step 6). Glory to Mankind. (This one's also a bit harder to find for those following along.)



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