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The next update will bring a new feature, the augment system. Echo is getting a new scene. The first part of Echo's quest should be available. Some images from the previous update had clipping or other issues. Those will be fixed along with some other bugfixes and adjustments.

The augment system is pretty much completed for the next update. The prices might be a little high. Some of the augments, especially when using multiple at once, can make combat too easy. Regardless, I can adjust the prices based on feedback if you feel like the augments are a feature you would never use due to the high prices.

Although Echo does currently have more scenes than the other 2, I prefer alternating new content between the characters instead of focusing on just one. Her new scene is currently being worked on. I'm trying out some new things with this scene. Hopefully the overall quality will be an improvement.

Once the animation work is done, I'll start adding some of Echo's quest while the renders do their thing. I'm not sure how much I'll be able to add, but it won't be the entire quest either way. The main quest is going to follow a different structure from this point on. Each romance character will have a quest you can start once their relations are high enough. You can follow them all up to the no-turning-back point to see which path you prefer. After the no-turning-back point you will be locked into that character's quest and will be able to see that specific ending. There will be a quest and ending that doesn't involve any of the romance characters as well.

That's pretty much all I have planned for the next update. The next few updates will likely follow a similar set of new content, a new romance character scene, some main quest advancement, etc. There's some minor stuff I'll try to throw in when time allows.

Character customization is a topic worth discussing. For every customization option, I'll need to render every image and animation involving the MC again per customization/combination. That's going to be a lot of renders that will greatly inflate the development time of GnB. I don't mind doing this because I can just set the renders to run while I sleep. An alternative is to just make the standing picture change based on customizations but not scenes. Another option is to scrap character customization altogether. I'll put up a poll as we get closer to GnB's completion, but I would like to hear your opinions on the matter. The longer I spend on GnB, the further away the return of SC is. Just something to keep in mind.

Thank you as always!



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