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Hey y’all!

so if you don’t want to listen to me ramble (and make sure to peep my newest audio if you haven’t already), here’s the gist of my update:

1. thank you for being patient as I deal with my mental health. This has been a traumatic year for me personally, and I am finally getting help after being formally diagnosed with bipolar disorder. It is stressful. Juggling imposter syndrome, mental illness, a full time job, threatened to be doxxed and having my Reddit account still unavailable, and recording audios is a lot. I am truly sorry to those supporters I’ve disappointed. 

2. i am restructuring tiers starting in October. 

5+ - 2 audios a month, discord access, plus pics. Might also do 1 SFW audio a month, either just chatting or whatever theme you have. 

10+ - monthly VC in discord with other patrons of the same tier and higher

anything above 20 is simply out of gratitude. I do not feel comfortable promising things I cannot fulfill in the state I’m in rn. If you think I deserve more than 10 a month, you can make a custom pledge for any amount over that or sign up for my 20, 50, and 100 dollar tiers.

100 dollars still gets a private call with me.

I am also launching an onlyfans so anyone who would rather purchase individual audios can do so instead of subbing to patreon.

3. thank you for rocking with me. I sincerely appreciate it. I am sorry I’m not the best creator, but I do my best and I’m thankful to everyone who has supported me no matter how long it has been. Love y’all. 


