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Hey guys!

I finally got all the New Years Eve champagne out of my system and i'm ready to jusmp back to action.

2024 will be a super busy year as far as I can tell, at least I made a lot of plans which will sadly include the ending of the Game Night series. I think it was a great series, probably one of my favorites, but all good things must come to an end eventually. But don't worry, it will have at least 2 more rounds and an epilogue, when I get to that point. And I have already planned out it's successor which will be a bit faster paced voting game, but more about that when I near launching it. It would be also nice to do one or two Holiday themed comic like Easter or Valentines day. We'll see how can I fit them into my schedule.

I will also put a big emphasis on continueing the previously won $10 backer comics, So you can expect a lot more of those when i'm done with the ongoing 3 comic projects, maybe I can even finish the One hell of an initiation test comic.

But, I really jumped ahead with long term plans. What about this month?

Firstly I intend to complete the animated New Intern comic this month. I will have an update this weekend, or latest Monday night with new pages. Then continue it until it's finally complete. This will most likely have one more larger update and a short epilogue. I'm not sure if I have more animations becaue some more comlex things will happen, but I will try.

And lastly I will try to continue either the My Heroes, or the Carnival of Nightmares comic. But this is really just a maybe. As I mentioned earlier my focus will be to end New Intern first. So if I  still have time before the end of the month, I will work on one of the two other comics.

Well, these are my plans for 2024 and January. I hope everyone will have something to look forward to this year and month again. See you soon.

And please don't forget about this IMPORTANT thing! For old or new backers, please don't forget that the revard for the $10 backer tier is on pause for some time. So I really appreciate if despite this   you decide to choose this tier to support me, but if you're only want   the revard I suggest picking a different tier to support my work. If by   mistake you still has chosen it we can discuss a partial refund, just drop me a message.  Thank you.




Another vote for just finishing old comics, like Carnival of Nightmares, before starting more new things.

Maria Smyth

Just want add my voice. There seems to be a lot of 'New Plans' etc without finishing prior work, which to be honest makes me feel less comfortable subscribing as time goes on. Still think what is being made is great, but it always feels like I am being teased with stuff that I would hope is coming soon, but never does.


Oh, sorry if I was not clearer in my post. I have a lot of new plans, but they will only be implemented after I finish ongoing comics. I will not start anything new until those are done. That means the New Intern, My Heroes, probably Carnival of Nightmares Ch2. and the Game Night. I hope this reassures you a little. Also, thank you for liking the comics I do.