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Hey guys!

I really sorry for taking so long with this comic. You can believe me I did not expected it either that so much work will go into this short comic. I spent the last week with rendering and editing the pages. I probably made over 1000 renders at this point and it's still not over.

As you probably noticed, this is just the first half of the comic, which means more fun events await our shor boss lady, and it will be fun you can believe it.

Okay, now something about the comic itself. I would call this a hibrid comic since I did the major transformations in animated form. I think it was a fun idea to play with and I hope you will also appreciate it. And if it will be well liked I will consider doing more in the future. I tried my best to have the best possible gif quality, and it's not bad, but I would have liked them to look better to be honest.


It's little more difficult to read this comic properly. So I recommend the link below or the images above which play the animations. The comic under the link works fine, but it might take some time the gifs to load, so just wait a little.

I must thank once again  John Doe 777 for his research in this matter. Without him it might not have been possible to the slide comic with working gifs.


For those who wish to read it in PDF format, I will include one, but the gifs must be viewed separately

Please leave a feedback and tell how did you liked it.




That was really good


That was great! Can’t wait to see what happens next.


This reminds of the Sabrina Mason comic! And just like Sabrina, Susie's got it coming.

Bruce W. Liu

If this was you with "a fun idea to play with" then you have really mastered your art. I only wish I could give you a PC that could handle all the heat you throw at it.


At this point I'm not sure which style I like more because you did a great job with the gif version but I still like the page by page because you can enjoy each change "frame by frame". But like I said I like this gif version you did as well because you did a stellar job. I suppose the question is will the gifs include jiggle physics one she gets big tits or a quakeable ass?


It's amazing ! Congratulations on your work !


Excellent how she regress. The gif Animations were smooth and well done. I often thought about to use GIF pages in my comics, but I always skipped that thought because I didn't get it how to use it with the pdf's.


Thank you very much for liking it. I had the same problem and I still did not solved it. I used google slides to do it. And Patreon also play gifs if you upload them next to images. So you could give it a shot. I would love to see what would you make :)

Alex de Wind

i think the wait was worth it, those animations look so good


Next update?


During next week. I can't give an exact day, the animations can be quite unpredictable.

Mr. Phoenyxx

This was fantastic! I have often wanted to work animations into the comic itself like this. You did a great job! The GIFs are very smooth. Just fantastic! :D


Thank you very much for liking it. It would be great if you made a similar "hibrid" comic as well. I'm sure it would be a great read :)


Could you upload it in jpg/png+gif format?


I'm not sure I understand. I uploaded it in multiple formats. On the top there are the individual pages, There is a pdf and even the gifs are separately uploaded. You want the gifs in separate image form?