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Hey guys!

It's so hard to belive that Halloween has already passed and we're in November again. How did your holiday go? Did you do something fun with family and friends, or just stayed at home and watched a movie like I did? I wanted to do something wholesome to end Halloween but as per ususal I was delayed because I had to wisit some family members and just got home yesterday. I hope you like this little peaceful family movie night image. 

But back to topic.

I was really not that happy with my October output, especially with the Halloween comic. I should have reached the first half of the comic, but I was not able to do that. So my plan for the first half of November is to continue work on Carnival of Nightmares. I should have new pages ready during next week, probably for the weekend.

For the second half of the month I move back to the My Heroes comic, and will try to finish it so I can move on to a new short comic and the Game Night.

Well, that will be my plans for November. I hope everyone will have something to look forward to. See you soon.

And please don't forget about this IMPORTANT thing! For old or new backers, please don't forget that the revard for the $10 backer tier is on pause for a few months. So I really appreciate if despite this you decide to choose this tier to support me, but if you're only want the revard I suggest picking a different tier to support my work. If by mistake you still has chosen it we can discuss a partial refund, just drop me a message.




I will leave it at the current tier, as I think you are doing an excellent job. Even without an event.


This is a pretty good picture, showing your little imp with her daughters for some quality time, it also looks like a good opening fo a comic!


Halloween is easily one of my favourite holidays, for me it brings people together in the same way as some of the later holidays… plus it’s spooky! Really excited for what you have planned this month! (Also… looks like Mia might have stolen a certain someone’s shirt ;)


I see someone is wearing the slutty milf costume for her Halloween outfit.


It was just by accident that I puth her in that outfit, but it's nice you also noticed :D