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Hey guys!

I'm back with more new pages for the My Heroes comic. Sorry that I dropping the pages so slowly but I simply can't do them any faster. The truth be told, feel a little tired the past weeks. Maybe my meds needs to be adjusted, or Autumn just fell on us way too suddenly. Who knows, but I would prefer the latter.

Sorry, I went off topic. As per usual, you will find the new updated comic pages and the updated PDF file under the link down below, or if Patreon is making things once again harder then they should be,  just scroll down on the main page until you find the post manually.

Please, enjoy the new pages and if you want tell me in comment how did you like my version of Raven :)


Oh, and one more thing. I will be back before the end of the month with the Halloween comic. I'm not sure if I can finish everything all at once. Maybe a part of the comic will slip into November, but I will try to get ready with everything all at once. 

So, until then.



Very nice raven

Bruce W. Liu

I recognize Ravens eyes from one of your other comics. ;D


Do you think an update on this will come before October?


If you mean the My Heroes comic, I must say no. I need the rest of the month to work on the Halloween comic. So I can only continue work in November.


Loved the update and how Raven looks.