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Hey guys!

Sorry for the little delay, but as I try to work on three projects I really got distracted. I always try to tell myself to not do this, to focus on a single thing at once, but nope! I'm hopeless.

Anyways, i'm back with a few new pages for the My Heroes comic. It's not a super long update, but I will make it for haveing at least two more during this week.

I hope everyone will like what I have ready for now, and please stay tuned for more in a few days. As per usual, you can find the updated comic and PDF if you follow the link below.



Hey guys!

I'm back with some new pages for the ongoing My Heroes comic. I'm trying to make them faster, but I have a lot of distracting things to attend to, and I begin work on the Halloween comic as well. 

You can find the new pages and the updated PDF file in the link below. Or if Patreon is making things once again harder then they should be, just scroll down on the main page until you find the post manually. I will be back in a few pages again with another update for this comic.

So until then, I hope everyone will like what I have ready for now. See you later




I somehow can't open the file and nothing is updated


If you can't use the link then you can just scroll down the main page directly and find the post. I updated the comic with 25 new pages, that includes the PDF file as well. Sorry for the inconvenience, Patreon is really making things more difficult sometimes.