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Hey guys!

A bit later than I wanted to, but i'm finally back with new pages of the comic. I'm not sure I ever did a muscle based TF before, and I really hope the fans of this TF will be pleased what I made. And i'm pretty sure everyone has figured out by now what will Zoey turn into. But what about Piper? Can someone guess who will become at the end?

I hope everyone likes what I have ready for the moment, but don't worry, I will be back with one more update before the end of the month. So please stay tuned.

This comic was based on the ideas of   philip wang   I know it took me a while to start working on your project, thank you   very much for your patience and constant support. I really hope you  will like the comic.

Also, Just a small reminder! I will close the ongoing poll Friday night so I can still publish the winning ideas before the end of the month. And I want to talk about the future of the Game Night series. But more about that later.



Bruce W. Liu

It's getting good!


As far Female Muscle Transformations go, this is looking pretty good. Can't wait to see the rest.

Bill Norris

More please 🥺

John Doe 777

lol are you gonna do a comic base on this meme gif 😂 https://64.media.tumblr.com/2115c734878b36194dcb2fe5c78916dd/tumblr_n96p38Br2g1skjm6mo1_400.gif

Count Crusty

Oooohhh, She-Hulk tf. Interesting


Zoey smashs! :D


Very nice. I hope to see that TF in any future turn of Game Night


Looks like we have a situation green. :)

Bal tha mele

I’m here for this! 🍿


Great job as always sitri but I have a feeling this comic won't be something I like concept wise.


Thank you. Well, it's really something new and different from my usual themes, that's for sure. But there will be some nice boobies later on :)


It has only just started so we shall certainly see. I just don't find muscles on girls attractive. Regardless of even if the girl wants "snu snu" later on; but if course she isn't done either so who knows.

Daniel Moriarty

A she-Hulk and Raven tf. Interesting


Nice I like it!


we got belly growth *insert cheering here*


I love the belly growth! More cheering over here lol


It wasn't much, just wanted to put some meat on her. But thank you for liking it :)


Very nice update. I like it

Robert Yingling

Wouldn't mind an age growth sceen. Were she is pregnant. Maybe similar to "old" wear its a spontaneous pregnancy 🤔


As stoked as I am to find out she is turning into a fat titty thick ass raven it makes me really sad she got covered up so soon. And we didn't even get a good look at her boobs or other fun areas. I know that's her costume and she'd have to put it on at some point. But who says it couldn't be a "slut costume" version lol, or at least tell me she'll be getting naked with a guy later on.


Thanks for liking her. And you're right, she won't have that costume on for too long ;)


Sadly those are not the themes of this comic, but I will have those things in the future :)

Bal tha mele

Really amazing work!!!


Muscles aren't it for me. Guess I'll be waiting till the next comic


I can understand. It's not really my speciality either, but it was interesting to do one for a change.

Sayori -

i hope my factory idea comes ture one day but this comic is amazing


I'm sorry for taking so long to get to it, I have no excuses, just the promise that I will get to it eventually. But i'm really glad you like this comic.

Sayori -

Never apologize sitri! You’re fucking amazing. It’s my fault for being in Japan rn and not leaning how to use this software to make my own stuff and help you lol


Next update?


Next update?


Next update?


Not sure yet. After the comments I got, I will complete New Interns first with its epilogue.