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Hey guys!

I just want to let everyone know that I finished reviewing and organizing the new penalty ideas for the Game Night's sixth round. That's the good news.

The bad news are that once again it exceeded the minimum 25 voting optins making it 30 ideas in total, so I can't do things in one go. 

I checked out many different ways to organize the voting optons, some of them were suggested by you guys, but none of them really worked out to keep things the way I like it. And since the GOOGLE voting system did not really gained your interest last time, I came to a conclusion which someone may have suggested.

Would it be okay with everyone if I have two rounds for voting? In the first round I would launch two polls with 15-15 voting options. Everyone would get a single vote and the 5 least voted on ideas on both polls would drop out from round 2. This would leave 20 voting options for the final, and real voting to decide the games new 5 penalty ideas.

Does this work for everyone? Please let me know what you think, thank you! 


Jebediah Kerman

They have a way in the pool not the dump what makes it into the poll is your decision if someone asked for something opposed to your values you wouldn't allow it this is functionally the same


Maybe you have a point with that. But I already selecting between ideas, if I have a problem with one, they make adjustments or submit something else. Like we did it with your idea until it was doable. I usually only throwback something if I don't get a response to change it.

Mr. Phoenyxx

Whatever works for you, though I do agree with the comment that you might want to put further effort into narrowing down the choices. Even if you can figure out a way to do 30 options polls, I have found that that's just too many choices for most people.


You're right. It's just not easy to decide what to allow and what not if both ideas qualify. They pay for the tier to submit their ideas, and it would be not fair from my part.