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Hey guys

I'm back with a few pages of a new $10 backer short comic that I was planning for a while now. And this is definitely something new even for me as well. I know it's a short update , but I really hope the characters will be to everyones liking.

This comic was based on the ideas of   philip wang   I know it took me a while to start working on your project, thank you  very much for your patience and constant support. I really hope you will like the comic.



Cole jones

Interested to see where this leads I'm very curious what figures are in that bag.


It's not that important for the story, because they already accepted the deal to have enjoy themselves :D


Is this the same location as in Fair Trade? Your imps outfit are the same. Or is it a coincidence?


You have good eyes. Yes, it's happening shortly after the beginning of the Fair Trade comic. According to the story I got, it seemed like a fun idea to link them together in some way.


Page 20 is my favorite for LoR reference.


I enjoyed them. Hoping to see it go all the way to a third part. Though that is because I enjoy your comics and a long drawn out change. Either way great so far.


Thank you. I like to take the time and pages to expand things properly, I just can take things a little too far sometimes :)


Can't wait for something to happen


One update this entire month?


No, i'm still working on it and I will have another one very late today, and one final Saturday night. There are some new element in this comic that I have not done yet and makes work a little slower. And I was a lot in the hospital last week for my annual check ups. But i'm doing my best.