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Hey guys

I'm back with new pages of the Game Night comic. It's still not the last page, but I wanted to upload something you can enjoy until i'm fully done.

The delay is thanks to a little rewrite because I was not pleased how the first version would have turned out. I had some really good last minute ideas for a perfect ending of the fifth round and I would have sleepless nights if I didn't do it. I hope you can understand.

You can find the new pages here with an updated PDF


If everything goes smoothly I have the remaining pages ready for later Sunday.


Hey guys

Well, things did not go as smoothly as I wanted. I was invited to a christening for my cousins child that I needed to attend today, so that meaant basically zero work. I'm really sorry for this small udate. But tomorrow I will jump right back to it. There are still 30 pages to go and it will be finished. You can expect them in the following two days.


Hey guys

Another 22 pages ready from the comic and only 15 more to go. And i'm really sorry for this messed up bit by bit upload schedule. I really hate doing comics like this but messed up the work process for this comic, and trying to catch up.

I hope everyone will like these new pages. Hopefully I have the last pages ready tomorrow and then the ideas can be submitted for roud six.


Hey guys

It's hard to believe, but I finally got the final pages ready. I'm really sorry again for how this was uploaded, I will try to avoid doing something like this again.

So, the only thing that's missing is the characters stats, but i'm too tired to do it right now, so I will have them ready tomorrow next to the idea dump for round 6. So every $5 and $10 backer start thinking about their penalty ideas.

I hope this ending for the fifth round will be to everyones liking, I sure did enjoy making it.


Hey guys

The comic was updated with the new character sheets. So with this Round 5 is fully done.


Count Crusty

I'm on the fence for when we suggest the changes for next round. Do I resubmit my dragoness one as it got a decent amount of votes, or suggest something else? And by something else I mean something a little more fantastical than race, age, ect changes we've done thus far

Bal tha mele

Excellent!!! 🤩🤩🤩


I have the post for new penalty ideas up next week, probably Monday or Tuesday. And you can suggest the dragon TF again or anything else you wish. And the penalty can be basically anything, even a fun or naughty activity the player must do, not just TF. I will be curius what will everyone come up with this time :D


im trying to find a pdf converter to jpg anyone know of one?


I can give you what I use if you're interested. It has some bugs here and there but it works quite well for me.


I love last page. Goodbye scholar kwnorage, welcome new gold digger skills


Thank you. I wanted to try out something new with the film rolls. But should I make them more transparent or is it good as it is?


Really like how you did mental changes. I think you should keep the addition and subtraction symbol as is but put cartoonish/emoji like images (simple yet informative) in the background of the boxes representing what is gained and lost, the images should be more transparent then the + or -. This is just my suggestion to improve on an interesting idea


Hmm... Yes the emoji's are a pretty good idea, tho i'm not sure if there are naughty ones if you get what I mean, but I will look into it when I do this again, thank you for the idea.

Mr. Phoenyxx

I think the christening was more important. :)

Bruce W. Liu

Thanks for all the constant updates. You never leave us hanging. 😘