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Hey guys!

I'm finally back with some new pages of the comic. We had the second big heatwave of the summer wich just ended a few days ago, so I put myself in hibernation which meant sadly not as much work been done as I wanted to do. So it's not a long update, but i'm working on the remaining pages and it should be finished this week if the weather does not change.

I hope you will like what I have ready for now, and I'll be back very soon with the rest.




So excited for this


Can't wait for the next part.


When will the next part come out


And Tara get affected too by drink that milk


next update?

Mr. Cheese

I really can’t overstate how much I love a good milf transformation. But lactation as well?! Sigh…


Well I'm pretty excited for next part. Just curious, but how late would night be, it's here night already, but I'm kinda curious if it'd be better go sleep or just wait, because waiting is what I'm doing, as I'm pretty excited


It will take a few more hours thanks to some rerendering, so I would say around 02:00 CET


Please tell me thats not the end... getting all hot and we don't get to see them have sex? Thats the best part. Plus I really really wanted to see the younger girls tits too, its disappointing that we got to only see them in the shirt. I thought for sure she'd take them out, please continue this so we can see the younger girl naked too and them having sex with a guy just like in the book.


It would be such a tease and disappointment to stop there...


The ending is good no need for an epilogue 👌. For me personal it's not that interesting what happens after the "change". I remember the Sabrina Mason epilogue from pick your poison back in the day.....It was way too long 🤣.


Amazing, captured so many of my fetishes. Just wish we could see them full body nude.


Bye bye Age, by by matureness, welcome Bimboness, with some huge tiddies...(based on the song: by bye love)^^


Thanks for your opinion. I had a similar feeling with the ending, I just need to find some time to continue.


Thanks a lot for enjoying it. Yeah, I really went overboard with that one. The epilogue was longer than the actual comic... hehe XD


Thank you for liking it. I will try to continue things with a little epilogue.


Also, Did you change username or something? I got the notification under the André VVII username.


Btw i like the last shot of the girls leaving. This time we get a good look at those sock thingies or whatever they suppose to be. On the first pages they were never really easy to recognize. Good Job 😁.


Thanks! I will do a before after render of the girls, so it will be much more visible.


How old they are, at beginning and the end?


It's pretty much in the comic this time. Suki was 18 and now mid 40's and Tara was 25 and now 18.


Yes, I figured it's time to confuse other users with another obscure German word 😆.

Mr. Phoenyxx

I do a terrible job of keeping up with your work, but I really enjoyed this. It was great! :)