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Hey guys!

I have one last thing partially ready before the month ends. I know it's rather short and not much has happened so far, but I wanted to introduce the characters of this new short comic based on your ideas. 

And to be honest, it's a real miracle what you see, because everything was made in less than 3 days, the location, the characters, the script, the renders and the editing. I think if I had at least two more days, the entire first third could have been done. That's what I get for taking so long on the last comic. But I have no regrets, it was a lot of fun to work on it :)

Anyways, I hope everyone will like this little teaser for next month. I plan to uload this comic in 3 parts in total next month. But before I get to continue this, I will go on a few days break to regenerate my demonic powers a little. So I will be back next week with the continuation. See you guys then. 




such a cute gyaru gal!


Interesting start. I wonder where this goes on


I know I'm not going to really like this one. The premise never made any sense to me considering its a mothers day comic. This just doesn't fit at all and keep in mind I'm also reminding myself about the original text prompt for this specific story line before saying this. It just seems heavily not a mother's day concept whatsoever and just has a little bit of "mothers day" sprinkles on top to barely cover the prompt requirement. This is why I wanted the other top voter in, it actually made sense especially for mothers day and this just seems like its someone trying to shove a skeleton key into a lock that requires biometric scanning and a password... now don't get me wrong I know I'll enjoy the art from Sitri and I know I'll enjoy the sexy girls too it just won't have nearly the same impact given the extreme shallowness of the stories attempt to satisfy the prompts guidelines versus what could have been in its place.


Hmm. I can think of several scenarios with how this meeting of opposites could play out. I can't wait to see which way you take it, and how this will fall into the "Mother's Day" niche.


It's not really a secret, This is the comic that got the most votes last month. It's still up for read in a previous post. Or just let yourself be surprised if you forgot about it ;)


I understand your opinion, and yes, it can vaguely be called a Mother's Day theme, but people liked this idea the most. I must keep my end of the deal.


Thank you. This was the poll winner idea last month, so if you're really curious, you can read it in that previous post. Or just let yourself be surprised.


I know. I follow you quite some time. But I forgot how the story goes on so I will let myself be surprised. 😅


I think suki has by far the best character design. Very uniqe and i really like the greyish-platinum hair 👌.




I started working on it yesterday after a break. I think I have the remaining pages of part 1 ready early next week.


I understand and wouldn't expect anything less from you i just think you had to bend over backwards to add stuff to this to make it mothers day themed because the original submission really has nothing to do with your prompt. There should be a stipulation that if the idea doesn't fit the required prompt then it's disqualified, sure it can be used for something else that it fits but not when it doesn't. I'm sure I'll enjoy your art as per usual but that doesn't mean I won't be disappointed in the comic. Plus considering their idea it sounds like both of them are about to become very fake and I don't like fake; another reason it doesn't fit because a mother could get fake boobs but shouldn't as they can mess with the mammary ducts.


I actually threw back a few ideas that came up. Maybe this idea was not really related to mother's day, but it still have a mom and a daughter, so it qualified in my eyes. But when I do another themed comic next time, I might narrow down the parameters for the submitted ideas. We'll see.


The Build up/ set up is shorter than i expected it to be. Good Job you're getting better 😁.


Yeah, I tried to make them like really old hand drawn images. I used some frames from a hentai manga and some photoshop magic. Did it turn out good? Nobody really commented on them.


It turned out good 😉. The Book itself gives me Evil Dead Necronomicon vibes. Especially Evil Dead 2013. The demon on the cover looks very similar to the one depicted in the 2013 version. https://www.movieviral.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/necronomicon-450x286.png


It actally just a pentagram that I use often in my comics, but i'm glad you liked it :D