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Hey guys!

I just finished the next update for the Summer Break comic, and while I could do most of what I wanted there are still 10 pages left to go to close everything up nicely. I should have them ready at later Saturday. But in the meanwhile you can read the new pages here.


Also, while working on this comic, I was also doing some work on the Mothers Day comic, but I spent so much time on the Summer Break comic that I doubt I can finish it before the end of the month. At least the whole thing. I think I can at least upload the first third, then the rest will be sadly pushed into next month.



Excited to read the new Summer Break! update. I personally think with the Mothers Day comic you should either upload all of it at once, or only half of it, then we have more to look forward to when it’s fully complete. But of course let you decide what’s best!

Count Crusty

Well I wasn't expecting that type of change, but I did get my demonic transformation. Its funny that I thought I had a revelation we were going to have a Ludmilla situation with how it was getting set up. I wonder if Becca is about to be the evening entertainment lol


Well, I was thinking to turn her into something the polar opposite that she was hoping for, and make the result a bit comical, and I never really did an impification before, so it was something new. We'll see how well it will be liked and if I do another one in the future. I had the idea for a Ludmilla dragon type of thing. But after a few tests I dropped the idea because the whole thing was so cumbersome to do that I would still work on it, and I lack some body morphs that would be necessary. But maybe one day I try it again.


I definitely wasn’t expecting it, but loved it! Super creative!!

Count Crusty

Perfectly understandable, it would be a bit involved of a transformation and you finally got to do a transformation you wanted to try out. It's still well done regardless and since writing my previous comment I have come around to it a bit more. Honestly I really really want the Asmo-Cola to come back in later comics.


Unexpected and very cool. 👍 I'm not really clear on why that's her "inner self"... is it just for the lulz, or is there a reason behind it?


I'm glad you liked it, thank you. Well, she was always a jealous toxic person, making everyones lives around her harder than it should be. She was like an annoying imp you can't get rid off. And for the lulz of course :D


As I mentioned in the earlier post on this subject, I think that decisions like this should be less about objective standards of what is a good percentage to upload, vis a vis 1/3 vs 1/2, and more about what makes for a good stopping point. Breaks that occur at random points, just because that's when the deadline arrived, tend to kill the pacing. This comment is directed more at Wyndon than at Sitri, since I know that Sitri has already heard that opinion.