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Hey guys!

Sorry for the little quiet. I was just really focusing on some upcoming projects and did not checked in.

I want to start with the Game Night's update. The remaining half of the first turn is up and ready to read. It might not be much of a strong start, but I stick to my personal rule to whatever the dice roll results may be I will do it, even if it's not as flashy, like this one. But I can promise that the other two will be more interesting.

I updated the previous post with the new pages and a new PDF file, but here you can go to it directly.


The seconf topic would be to announce the winner of the Mothers Day comic poll.

It was a really close race between the two most popular ideas, but only one could be the winner. So without any further ado, the winning idea of this month's special comic with 60% of the 671 votes is:

"A young nerdy librarian girl is bored with her job  on mothers day. A  (Gyaru) ish Bimbo approach the librarian and asks if  the library has a   copy of the “Kama Sutra”. The two talk for a bit,  bimbo decides to  pass  on her gift and make a “new daughter”. Bimbo  kisses the librarian  the  transformation begins. The librarian turny  into a Bimbo, the  Bimbo to Bimbo MILF. The new mother and daughter go  out for mother’s  day…."

Congratulations to the submitter. I will start working on it immediately so I can finish it as soon as possible.

And our last topic is the remaining plans for the month. Beside the Mothers Day comic I want to finish the Summer Break comic. That will be the next thing I will upload this month somewhere next week and then move on to the Mothers Day comic for the end of the month.

I think that's it for this update post. I hope I will have something you will be looking forward this month. So, until then, see you soon.



Wow. That game night update was the most surprising turn of events. I love it. ❤️


If imagination meets reality. I forgot about the penalty fields reversing a change. It surprised me a lot. It played with my emotions. So, definitely. It was a nice twist. 😉

Cory Hummel

And to know it will only get better. I already have thoughts for someday The Game Night with 4 Sorority Women in mind.


I admit, that could be a ton of fun. But i'm worried how long would it take to make, judging from the snail speed of the current one. Unless I add one more dice in the game, or multiply every rolled result to speed things up?


newest update?


When will the Mother’s Day comic release


I will have that for the end of the month, probably the very last day. But before that I have the ending of Summer Break.


I'm currently working on the Summer Break ending. It should be out this week, tho i'm not sure when exactly. Probably this weekend.