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Hey guys!

Sorry for my little silence again and the wait, but i'm finally back with the next part of the comic.

Originally I wanted to end things with this update, but then I was thinking that things might have been a little too simple. So I have revritten the ending and extended it a little with a little surprise for the end. I hope you don't mind this change and will be looking forward to the final part next month.

This does not have that much TF, but until i'm done with the ending I hope you will have a good time reading what I have ready at the moment.

Also! I will end the month with the next part of the Game Night. I wanted to finish two turns of the fifth round, but i'm pretty sure I can't make everything in time, so unfortunately half of it will be pushed to early May.

This comic was based on the ideas of  ....  I know it took me a while to start working on your project, thank you   very much for your patience and constant support. I really hope you  will  like the comic.




Another great segment! Thanks. :)


I love the direction of this comic! And even to get some changes with the girls, so exciting!! And I’m sooooo looking forward to the last part! Game Night update always welcome!! Amazing job Sitri!!


Fun looking forward to the ending


The changes to the daughters were a welcomed surprise! Hope to have more scenes with them. Keep it up!


Hoping we get some mental changes in the final part :)


Uh-oh. Now things are getting really interesting. Can't wait to see where this goes. And I love Sachiko's style of parenting.

Boyce Pond

Well I'm definitely loving it so far


Yeah, she's definitely a mother of the year candidate... or an urgent case for child protective services XD


Well, technically everyone got one. Hayley became a very confident model, Becca the joke of the froup and everyone else is convinced that this is completely normal.


Glad you decided to go for more on this one. Can't wait to see the end for it.