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Hey guys!

Once again we began a new month, so it's time to give some predictions what I wish to accomplish in April.

This will be a short update. I will have a week Easter break this month and go on a little trip somewhere to relax. But before that I will finish the second half of the Summer Break comic. This can be expected around the end of next week.

My second goal to accomplish this month is the first two turns of the fifth round of the Game Night comic. The first turn, turned out to be a little shorter so I think it will be managabe to release it together with the second turn.

Oh, and lastly, I have a little voting as well for a new short comic for next month, but that will be explained in more detail is a separate post later today.

This is basically it. I hope you will be looking forward to the new updates. Thank you for reading and see you later :)