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Hey guys!

I just wanted to make this quick update regarding the final part of the Fair Trade comic.

I'm working on it as I write this and it's coming along nicely, but just in case something comes up and I can't finish it before the month ends, for those who don't plan to renew their support for March, pleae save the link down below for access to the full finished comic when it's ready.


The link will be active for a few weeks before I delete it. So please stay tuned.



"I'm not fucking leaving!"


I was a fan even before you set up here, I sure as neck ain't jumping ship now.


Super excited for this and Game Night results in the next couple days!


Thank you, The Game Night results will be up shortly, I just need to edit the data to a single page.

Jansen Redler

I ain't jumping ship, Your work is too good to do that