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Hey guys!

The time has come to decide the new penalties for round 5. Please keep in mind that the first five ideas that gets the highest amount of votes will decide the order of the penalties in the game.


You might have noticed that that there is no poll in this post. The reason for this is that I managed to find a new poll system that can handle more voting options than the one Patreon uses. With this I don't need to select ideas and everyones can be added.

I must give a special thanks to John Doe 777  who helped me find this poll system and helped me in the past days to design the prototype and set it up properly. So, thank you very much, without you this won't be possible.

Okay, now to the voting part. Being a new system it will be slightly different to use, but just bit, don't worry..

The first change is that it uses a password to use. This was necessary so pirates and the links leakers can't meddle in the voting. I think you understand the importance of this. I will send out the password to everyone in the message sytem. If you're a new $3 $5 or $10 tier backer or just upgraded from the $1 tier, please message me so I can send you the password personally.

The second change is that you will need to use your Patreon username at the end to vertify your identity. This is there so noone can vote twice.

And the third change that's probably not an issue nowadays, is that everyone will need a google account to vote. The reason is similar to the previous one. To prevent from voting multiple times. Don't worry, I will not record anything or anyone with this. It's there to vertify your identity as well. And just to be sure, if you don't have a google account, here is how you can create one fast and easy.


Thank you everyone for reading this, and now that we're through all of this, you will find the link to the poll here.


The voting will go as long as I don't see any more significant changes in the numbers. So, let the voting begin and good luck to everyones favorite option.



I really prefer the previous vote method. Because in this new mode obviously the author of each option will vote for his option, and we only can vote once. But if this works for you and is easy, is OK :) I will waiting the results.


Let's say this is a test run. I will see how it perforns and then decide how to do things next time :)


If the voting option for "transgender with functional male parts" isn't removed I'm going to request my money back for the month and report this. That is fucking disgusting and it better be the last time it is ever an "option" to be voted on...