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Hey guys!

I just wanted to write this small update before the end of the month. 

Okay, so the the next update of the "Fair Trade" comic is coming along nicely and I think I can make it in time really late tomorrow, but it all depends on the time zone you're in. So just to be sure, if I can't make it in time and you're not planning to renew your pledge for February, I will have a link to my Drive for everyone who was waiting for this specific comic update. So please save it. 


This will be awaiable for a few weeks, then I delete it.

I was planning to end this comic with this final part, but the original ending just seemed to abrupt, at least it felt that way for me, so it will have a final scene that I think you will appreciate and I will start next month with it so you don't have to wait too long for it.

And this brings me to my last topic. Do you remember the post I made in the beginning of the month, where I asked for your opinions regarding some of the issues i'm having with work?

Well, I know I did not respond to anyone, but trust me, I read every last one of them multiple times over and over again. There was so many good and extensive comments that I did not know how to response properly, and it felt that a single "thanks" was being a bit disrespectful. 

First off, I really want to thank everyone for taking the time to respond, it really shows that you really like what I do here, and you care enough to help me make things even better in content and me as well, it felt really good to know that you worry about me to not burn out. You really gave me a lot of things to think about and I was thinking a lot how to move forward.

It was interesting to see how mixed the responses were, which shows that I could maintain a good enough middle ground, but there's still a lot of room for improvements that I intend to make moving forward. There might be some experimenting with how I release things in the future. I will try to cut back on some unnecessary time delays and dragging things out, maybe have months dedicated to a single longer comic with multiple updates and going back to the roots with some shorter comics making them less story oriented if there's no need for them.

This is still a work in progress, and I have not figured everything out yet, but we'll see how things turn out as we move forward. I'm really counting on everyones feedbacks and ideas, so feel free to voice your opinions in the future as well. 

So thank you very much again.  


Bal tha mele

Any update is a good update from you Sitri 🥰


It's already up. Sitri just updated the latest upload to include the remaining images iirc


As Felix said, the game night was updated a week ago. I added new pages and PDF to it. https://www.patreon.com/posts/game-night-round-77294187


And if you read what I write here, the link in this post is empty because the comic is not done yet. It's for those who don't want to renew their pledge for February if I can't finish it in time. The comic will be uploaded to that link so they can read it despite ending their support.


Looking back at some of your work for not so long ago, it does seem like you’ve just gotten so wrapped up in characters. I personally love this style of creating, but I understand that it is not as productive. The best example to compare is ‘The Center of Attention’ with ‘The Supermodel!’. While their stories are different, one is significantly shorter than the other, yet they both leave the same impact. So in short, all you really need to do is condense your scripts down a little. A story with 50-70 pages is going to be finished a lot quicker and released in much shorter batches than one with 110-220 pages. It will allow you more time to focus on quality over quantity (although I never think your quality goes down ;) Something a learned is that an audience understands more than you think they do, so unnecessary dialogue is always going to bloat a story when the audience can figure it out themselves! That’s just coming from someone who is experimenting with storytelling, and someone who is a fan of your work. Please take this as nothing more than constructive Criticism! I’ll always love your work!!


Yes, you're right. These are the things that's in my mind and will try to change. And don't worry, i'm grateful for constructive criticism, and that you really like what I do here, it means a lot :)


When will you continue with the Game Night ? I think this is the best story that exists of this kind, good job.


Eagerly awaiting the next update


Thank you very much for liking it. I will first do the voting for the penalties of round 5 in a few days. Then, if everything goes well I think I can continue in March.


It's up and ready to go, but I will need at least two more days to finish the rest of what I planned.