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Hey guys!

This is the new link to access my content library. It will be live till the end of the month and then deleted. Please don't try to access it in the following month, BECAUSE IT WON'T WORK.


Please enjoy! And if something does not work, please let me know.



Sitri, with all due respect, but I will probably say what others hesitate to say out of modesty and an excess of delicacy. Not only was there not enough content, but VERY little. Suffice it to say that half of December has already passed - and not a single continuation. Where there is a continuation, the plot moves extremely slowly, cliffhangers constantly occur, and there are a lot of "empty" frames added just to "add volume". I would like faster development, less fixation on the same, in fact, frames (you can also shift frames with a large interval between events on them). Suspended events with drunk liquor girls. The connection in the demonic Jumanji is completely lost (well, you can’t take such huge breaks between releases), in the story of an abandoned amusement park - two out of three participants have long been lost and for more than six months the story of one madam has barely been crawling. And, sadly, a very boring story. You have a lot of much more interesting and unusual. But it was the transformation of an ordinary girl into a sexy MILF that hung for half a year. MILFs are great, but there just isn't enough "flavor" here. Sorry to be blunt, but someone had to tell you this.


I completely disagree with this. The fact that this much content is released (3 uploads in November) for as little as $1 is a steal. Most creators charge far more than this for often much less content. Think there is too much of a delay in between parts? There is nothing stopping you from going back and rereading the previous stuff. There are content creators where you can't even do that because their older work is stuck behind a ridiculously priced tier for archive access.


Those what ifs are completelx unneccessary. We all love the work he does but in the last few months he's been making false promises about almost every release and it gets kinda annoying. If you're busy with real life just say it asap so people wont think youre gonna finish a certain comic this weekend when in reality its gonna take 1-2 weeks


I disagree. Most other creators release an image per day, Sitri releases their content in bulk. This means a whole wave, most likely including some kind of transformation, at once! While I see your point, you are paying a premium for this content. If you don’t like the amount of content, unsubscribe. Wait a few months, then subscribe again. Or better yet, pay the incredibly low price Sitri offers to view ALL of their content. Sitri is a singular person who provides us with exclusive comics and art that is to their own unique style, high quality, and entertaining! We pay for it because we can, not because we have to.


At this point basically every release has become a series. It's only natural that a 200+ page comic needs time. And as Eugene points out the breaks between releases are becoming longer. The Game Night is the best example. I agree with him that's frustrating. IMO it may be worth to consider just 1 release per month, to make sure the comic is finished. I'm just a costumer and yes your prices are very fair, considering this i think i'm NOT in the position or even able to demand things from you or to tell you how to do things such and such. I know nothing about 3D art an the work process. So its hard for an Outsider to understand the amount of time that goes in these projects. With that said, your community is big and very supportive and i think you should ask how to proceed with future projects. Best Regards ✌️


Preach on brother! I say the same, if you want a break, unsubscribe and come back to view, hope you're not one of those people that pirate Sitri's work and posts it on e-hentai or other links. Need patience for great work. I honestly hate rushed endings to good stories. I pay here to help support the artist to continue what they do. If we don't pay, then greater possibility that these stories will get stretched out to multiple months to years to get done. I've been waiting for an artist to finish a 3d story for over 10 years, he didn't finish it because he got in a car accident and his hands are messed up. He can no longer make his art and he removed all his sites with his art on it. Just be grateful we have this opportunity. Or you can always learn 3d art yourself and open your own business.


To be honest you can watch all content for 1 dollar. For 1 dollar you have a decent amount of output. Some other artists ask more and have the same or less output. And Indeed Sitri posts everything in batches. Some other artists post like 3 pages a day etc than you get around 60 to 80 pages Only thing I can say is. You have some comics running atm maybe finish them first =)

Cory Hummel

I love everything you make and I'm staying even if I miss renew at times i still subscribe to you and try my best to support you, Sitri. Thank you for all you have created this year. I love your series comics and everything so yeah. Keep up the awesome work. You're doing your best for yourself and your customers. That's what matters. Have a great day and Happy New Year