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Hey guys!

First of all, I want to wish a late, but super happy Fourth of July to all my backers form the USA. I was once again traveling back and forth between my home town and my doctor for my check ups the past weeks, so I had not much time and energy to do something proper in time. Sorry. But I hope you will appreciate this little picture I put together in a hurry. I just love watching fireworks with my family, and can't wait for August 20 for my countrys big state founding festival, which will have a huge firework as well.

Okay, now to the info part. It might seems like that work process slowed down again, but that's far from the truth. While my schelude was messed up again due to my check ups and this crazy heat wave, two and a quarter comics are in progress.

The first one is the ending of "One hell of an initiation test!" comic. I admit that it was dragged out way longer than expected, but since it was so well received by everyone, I don't want to mess up the ending (too much) I'm throwing away one idea and render after another because i'm not pleased with the end results, and as funny as it sounds, i'm not the best in creating adult interaction scenes, but I do my best. So hopefully it will be ready soon.

 The second comic is also a backer short comic that's currently under production and should be done for the end of next week, probably late Sunday or the following Monday.

Another backer short comic is also in pre production. The locations and characters are being worked on at the moment. So, if everything goes well, it should be done before the end of the month. I'm not a 100% sure if it will be, but I will do everything to make it happen. If I can't, then next month will begin with that one.

And lastly, the script is being worked on for the fourth round of the Game Night series. It's still in an early stage, but I already know the girls roll results and I think it will be a fun round for everyone to enjoy.

Well, that's it for this little info update. I hope it was informative enough to look forward what's to come.Please stay tuned for what's coming up in the following weeks.   




Yes, I hope that your check ups will help you solving the health problems. I for myself know exactly what you are talking about. I have my appointment next week, also an huge blood screening and everything else. I want to know why am I permanently exhausted since months and why it feels more and more hard for me to think straight and linear. Could it be stress, or maybe missing proteins, vitamins ... i do not know. About the fireworks...since most of the german citizen feels fear for nearly everything what makes fun, most firework are more and more forbidden. Some dogs would not feel fine and the nature is not happy about all that fine dust etc...I truly enjoy a good firework every time and I could spend hours shooting them by myself :D Get well soon Sitri.


Personal health must always come first before anything else, and it's good that you're making that a priority. I truly do hope things stay well for you.

Cory Hummel

Hoping for your health to get better and thank you for the updates


Thanks for the post. Remember that your health is first. I hope you will be feel better.


Keep yourself in top condition above all else ❤️ your work is amazing as always and good things come to those who wait 😊


Thanks for the update. I hope you keep well!


Thank you, and I hope you receive positive news from your doctor as well :)


About the fireworks, it's pretty much forbidden here as well, except for new years or if it's organized by the government.

Near Uchiha

That would be true if i was able to wait with paying until i got the product but allas.

Near Uchiha

Not that i mind that much. Cause quality over quantity ofcourse. And like you said. The content is great


Kind of discovered you yesterday and am really exited about the ending of "One hell of an initiation test!", also really liked "The Curse!". Keep up the good work :)


Oh! Welcome and thank you very much for liking my works. I hope you will be pleased with future comics as well :)