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No, but seriously, they just wanna play some video games with you... hehe

Okay, so the thing is, I really like how the Hellspawn Twins turned out and I want to use them more often in the future. But as I was scribbling around with some short summer vacation comic ideas I realized that they still don't have proper names. I can't just  call them the "big one" and the "little one" forever, and I can't really come up with fitting names.

Sooo, would you guys want to suggest them something to make my decision a little easier?

I'm still thinking about their detailed story background, but what i'm sure about is that they're twins and they're around 100 years old, which is roughy late teens in human years. They were born and grew up in the human world, so they can have human names. Currently they try to be famous streamers with more or less success, like every teen nowadays... hehe They're good kids (as far as a demon can be), but sadly kind of the slacker, lazy and tomboy types as well. 

So, if you have a good name suggestion, just write it down in a comment. Thank you :)





Kitsune y Kumiho


Tit an tat


Nympho (the big one) and Cleodora, short Cleo, (the younger one)

Josh Hoppstock

Anima - Animus Ani - Anu Demi - Dimi Mal - Lum (combined to mean mistchief in latin)


if they are demons be cute about it ... either pick two of the 7 deadly sins or a anagram on lustfull demons .. P just a thought

Motdurza z Bratislavy

What about Eli and Dev. It is cute, it can be they own thing, but if you want, take all letters and arrange them in certain order and you have Devil.I know , it seems like there is one spare e. That e is like shared. It is representing what they share and where they are overlapping each other as twins.

Mr. Cheese

What about Gem and Nigh? A little play on the classic Gemini twins?


Vicky and Minnie!