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Hey guys!

I'm really sorry for my long silence, but I had some medical issues in the past weeks that prevented me from working. Maybe I explain it later in more detail, but I just embarassed and don't really like to talk about this problem of mine. 

I know it was a pretty big delay and maybe I can even finish this comic till next Halloween if I can keep this incedible pace... 

But anyways, I'm finally done with the first part of the first girls transformation in this comic and I really hope you will enjoy it. And maybe you can even try to predict what will happen next to Audrey  :)




Take care glad to hear form you back


Your health is more important my friend. It is good that you embaressed the problem, so you and your doctor can solve it...and I will keep my fingers crossed that it will be in a good way.

Cory Hummel

Now I'm curious what's next for her and the others. Been loving all of your work.


Your personal life is much more important than some kinky comic, my friend! I am very glad to see that it's back and I am here if you need me.


The other girls will have a more unorthodox transformations that I usually do here, but I hope people will enjoy them.

John Doe 777

An embarrassing accident.... hopefully it was not accidentally putting your hand in a blender at night thinking it was a cookie jar. But in all seriousness, hope you are a feeling better.


It wasn't really an accident. I just have an illness that got worse out of nowhere, and my meds needs to be readjusted, which could take some time. But currently I feel better, and I really hope it lasts.

Cory Hummel

Hope to see what's next for Audrey? I'm loving all the changes to her so far. Keep getting better, Sitri.


How old is she now ?


And this project is for how many Halloweens? :)


Yeah, i'm asking the same thing from myself every time I do some work on it...

Cory Hummel

Love the first unexpected transformation for Audrey, curious for the rest but her age progression is impressive because how great everything gets. Thank you.


Thank you, I'm glad you liked it. It was not that creative, but I have planned something more interesting for the other two girls. I just need to speed up things to finally get to them.



Pen name

This is the comic that brought me to subscribe. Love your newer stuff, but do you plan to continue this one at some point?


I'm really glad you like this comic, thank you. And yes, I plan to continue it this October of everything goes according to plan.